Sunday 20 March 2016

I Love Malaysia

Dr. Carmen has shown much well-known ART which produced by local artists for us during a lecture class.
This makes me think about: What have I done to show my love towards my country?

When I was Form Six student... When I was young...
I've participated a lot of activities which related to patriotic.
I really enjoyed and I strongly felt that I'm the part of this country in that time.
It doesn't mean that I'm not a part of the country right now. Just... missing a strong feeling...
Well, let me share a part of my honourable memories to you.

31st August 2013

My school has been selected as one of the representatives in Independent Day's march activity. This activity was prepared for different schools and NGO organisation.

 The band from my school took the lead in this marching activity.
Some of the roads in downtown were sealed during that day.

We were marching from the downtown to the square.

Can you spot me? hehe

4th September 2013

Every year, my school will hold an activity called: Merdeka Raya
Each class must send a team to march in that day.
This is the second time I joined this activity.

Can you guys see me?
I'm wearing a cheongsam!
During that time, I am a student from PRA-U Atas (Upper Six)

On top of that
Our school will choose a classroom with best patriotic's decoration.
Form six's classrooms were very old and made by wooden
But, my class got the first place in this competition!
Really appreciate the teamwork which makes this classroom full of patriotism!

These are only a small parts in my form six's life.
Two years of Form Six's life really short but that time was the best moment in my life.

This is POP culture

I remembered Dr. Carmen asked a question during one of the tutorial class.
 What is POP culture?

Then, my classmate, Pruso answered ' A simple lyrics which repeating all the time'

The first thought came out from my mind was: What?

But after a few moments, I agreed with him.
Pop music plays a very important role in Pop culture.

Pop music appears very frequently in youngster's life.
However, I found that the Pop music came out recently was not fabulous as the previous time. My father always said that: Old song is irreplaceable same as an old friend.

In my opinion, the youngster nowadays enjoys the instruments, rhythms and the beats of the music. They really don't care about the lyrics or the talents of the artists. Plus, they might be attracted by the sexualism and body of artists.

For examples

The music and the beats are good and I love Rihanna
*I'm not a hater*
But, I really can't get the meaning in this song and it just keeps repeating 'work work work....

The favorite of Asian Youngster, KPOP
Although we don't know what the heck PSY is singing, but we still addictive with it
Maybe the chorus keeps repeating hence it able to brainwash and always stick to mind.

Well, I do not state that I'm not a Pop culture.
Most of the time, I will listen to the music because I love music.
Pop music always accompanies whenever my emotion is high or down.
I can hide into the music's world if I really do not want to stay in reality world, Sometimes.

Hey, this is a new song I additive recently, check it out.

Friday 4 March 2016

My favorite traditional festival

I remembered before Chinese New Year's break, Dr. Carmen told us we could blogging something about Chinese New Year
However, I have nothing to write about this year's Chinese New Year because it was too 'normal'.
Hence, I would like to write about my favorite festival.

There are a lot of traditional festivals among Chinese.
One of my favorites is Mid-year Autumn Festival aka Mooncake Festival.
This festival is held on 15th of the 8th month in Chinese Calender which is usually in early September of Gregorian Calender.

When I was little, I've read an awesome legend about the origin and development of this festival.

Once upon a time, there had ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time and causing a disaster for people. A hero named HOU-YI use bow to shoot down the suns. Suddenly, a woman appeared and stopped HOU-YI to shoot down all of the suns as people can't survive without the sun. YI left only one sun and became the King as a thankful from the people. YI married the woman who named CHANG-E. After YI became the king, he soon became conceited and tyrannical ruler. One day, he asked an immortal to give him an elixir to become live long without dying. However, CHANG-E took the elixir because she does not allow her kingdom ruled by a cruel king. In last, CHANG-E fled to the moon and became the spirit of the moon. Therefore, people offer a sacrifice to CHANG-E on every lunar fifteenth of August.

The reason why I love this festival is not about the legend but I able to gather with my friends and have fun with them.
In 2013, I held a party for this festival in my house.
That year's mooncake festival was one of my happiest moment ever!

The beautiful lanterns

BBQ party

We even prepared a Kong-ming lantern 

Of course,  the most important character must not be forgotten in this festival--- Mooncake!!
This is the best mooncake I ever tasted in my life!
It is very special because the shape is different from original mooncake
But, trust me
This is tasted better than any mooncake
My families often went to KLUANG to buy this mooncake for me
Luckily Batu Pahat is near to Kluang